Weekly wrap-up #1
A weekly summary of posts I've published on Focus on outcomes, the newsletter for Software Product Leaders seeking to be outcome-oriented.

I see simultaneous invention by product thought leaders to use visual, network graphed outcomes for communicating logic/strategy.
My theory is that this form is a step or two closer to picking options & measures than prose/slides. I expect it to become a widespread practice.
This week’s posts
The new orthodoxy is to orient work around outcomes in this post I set the scene for this publication for why I believe approaches to improving clarity for software product development teams will continue to grow.
"That's not my job!" ever heard this phrase in your workplace? I share some reasons that can lead to this response and what you can do.
What do we need to know to do something well? explores the context that leaders can provide which will help their teams’ decision-making.
"Sorry we are too busy to help you" is another phrase that might be heard when attempting to collaborate, even if you are working on the organisation’s top priority! Why does this happen and what can leaders do to help?
This week’s poll
Image of the week